Francesco Galeotti

Barka, Nina
Bauchant, Andrè
Boissier, Roger
Bombois, Camille
Bonnin, Maurice
Bouquet, André
Chaissac, Gaston
Chevillard, Danie
Conche, Damien
De Gail, Francoise
Delacroix, Michel
Demonchy, André
Desnos, Ferdinand
Dessus, Patrice
Devroye-Stilz, Anne * ( A.D.-S. )
Ducroquet, Geneviève (Félicia)
Duranton, André
Expositions, Exhibitions ( □□□ )
Ferrara, Daniel
Fourny, Max * ( M.F. )
Genot, Francine
Hara, Jacques
Jakovsky, Anatole * ( A.J. )
Karsenty-Schiller, Danièle
Kriegel, Many
Kwiatkowski, Jean
La Giraudiere,
Lachapelle, Charlotte
Lagarde, Jean-Pierre
Lainé, Agnès
Lapagesse, Gérard
Le Moigne, Simone
Ledan, Fanch (Fanch)
Lorand, Jean-Pierre
Maïk, Henri
Markarian, Léon
Mortier, Josette
Petit, Danielle
Peyrade, Geneviève
Planté, Isabelle
Pouget, Thérèse
Rossignol, Andrienne
Rousseau, Rodolphe
Rousseau, Henri (Le Douanier)
Salge, Michel
Schwartzenberg, Simon
Strouvé, Sophie
Toussaint, Raphaël
Tual, Karen
Uhde, Wilhelm * ( W.U. )
Van Der Steen, Germain
Verger, René
Vierny, Dina * ( D.V. )
Vivin, Louis

As it often happened over the years, Fidan doesn't want to abandon the custom of not dividing and grouping together the naif phenomenon by nation. This for several reasons, which all imply a reflection upon the very nature of Art Naif, its popular components, its historical roots, its local social and cultural motivations, besides and beyond the individual element.

arte naif italia