Presentazioni | 8. Art Naif Festiwal - 12.06-14.08.2015 - Galeria Szyb Wilson, Katowice, Poland
e-mail: projekty@szybwilson.org
Photo available upon request
8. Art Naif Festiwal
Galeria Szyb Wilson, Katowice, Poland
ART NAIF FESTIWAL is a well-established, international festival entirely devoted to the art naif, exceptional art movement which celebrates the spontaneity and honesty of the artistic expression. This year the Festival is organized for the eighth time by the Wilson Shaft Gallery based in Katowice, Poland. This unique event is increasingly gaining popularity among art enthusiasts from all over the world. Our efforts and innovation in creation of the Festival were appreciated by numerous individual artists, which is confirmed by the numbers: in the previous edition were received more than 1500 paintings and sculptures, in the exhibition took part nearly 300 artists from 34 countries.
The Festival celebrates a different region or nation each year. The forthcoming edition of the Festival dedicates a large space to Scandinavian culture with the aim to recognize the characteristic features of naif art in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The exhibition of art naif is also accompanied by workshops, film screenings and music concerts that bridge cultures and bring people together.
For further information please visit our website: www.artnaiffestiwal.pl/english
The Wilson Shaft Gallery
Eko-Art Silesia Foundation
address: ul. Oswobodzenia 1
40-403 Katowice, Poland
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